lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

                 SPECIAL  MEMORIES

    Travel to Valencia

I  travelled  to Valencia  last year. There  I  was the ``Ciudad  de  las  Artes  y  las  Ciencias´´ where I was  sea lions,  dolphins, penguins, belugas, walruses, sharks and seals. It  was very funny!
Travel to Madrid

My class  travelled to Madrid´Toledo and Segovia in 2009. In Madrid we was ``La puerta del Sol´´,``Cibeles´´,``La puerta de Alcala´´and``El Retiro´´. In Toledo we visited the Cathedral  and  in Segovia we visited the ``Acuedupto´´ and the Cathedral. The jouerney was unforgettable!


jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

Ver imagen en tamaño completo                                                                  Daniel Raddiffe

Daniel Jacob Raddiffe was born on July 23rd in 1989.
He began playing in small school  productions as a young boy.

He worked in television productions but he became famous
in the Harry Potter films series adapted from the books of the J.K. Rowling.
He made friends working on the harry Potter films, whitch incude his co-starts
Rupert and Emma.

Now he is in the seventh films,``Harry Potter y las Reliquias de la muerte´´.
This film, is very popular.Now Daniel is happy.


jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

                        MY  PROFILE

My name is Ester
I am 13 years old
My bithday  is  in july
I live  in javea
I study  at school
I am tall
I have got pencil
I haven`t got guitars
I usually study
I never eat meat
I play  computer game  in my free time
I don`t like  meat
I  like banana
I love pizza
I hate  meat
My fauvorite colour is red
I can run