lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

  • In Galicia, Cantabria, Asturias, north Aragon and Cataluña will be cloudy and it will rain.
  • In the southof Spain Madrid, Castilla la Manchaand  and  Extremadura it wiil be sunny.
  • In the C.Valenciana it will be sunny.
  • In the south of Aragón it will be sunny, butit won´train.
  • In Castilla Leon and La Rioja will be cloudy, but it won´t rain.
  • In the Baleares it will be cloudy and rain.
  • In the Canary Island it will be cloudy.
  • In Ceuta and Melilla it will sunny
  • Inthe north of Navarra it will be snow
  • In Eivissa it will be sunny

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